UG Zoning Definition Updates for Convenience Stores Needs to Include Bike Racks!

As reported in The Reporter (thanks to Dan Sokil for this local coverage) – Upper Gwynedd is revising its zoning definition for “convenience stores.” Part of this includes parking requirements:

Image of start of news article from The Reporter newspaperSection 28, A – at the very end of the document:

For any of the following uses, the stated parking spaces shall be required, shall be of concrete or blacktop surface, and shall be located on the same lot therewith or, if approved by the Board of Commissioners, on land adjacent thereto.

(25) Convenience Store: 1 parking space for every 100 sq. ft. of the first 3,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Thence 1 parking space for every 150 sq. ft. of additional gross floor area. Required parking shall not include those spaces assigned to fueling positions. The width of the aisle way surrounding the Convenience Store building shall be not less than 28 ft. in width.…/ord_01-2024_zoning…

We would like to encourage all Bike North Penn members who reside in Upper Gwynedd Township to email the township commissioners and encourage them to include bike racks as part of this zoning definition update.Bike North Penn will be releasing a formal letter in support of adding bike racks/parking to the zoning definition.

Thanks to Patrick Monahan at the Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia, we have at least one example, from Lower Marion, describing zoning requirements for bike parking which we can suggest to Upper Gwyneedd: