Cover of the North Wales Borough 2040 Comprehensive Plan ({Published 1918)
North Wales Borough is in the process of collecting resident feedback to prioritize the next round of action items and budgets for items outlined in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which was published in 2018.
Here is a link to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan
Here is a link to the survey – which will only be open through December 31, 2024.
Some key points of interest the plan:
Page 6 and 43-45 and page 47
Transportation Goals:
- Facilitate safe and efficient movement within the Borough through continued maintenance of roadways and enforcement of traffic laws.
- Enhance existing pedestrian amenities such as painted crosswalks and street lighting to improve safety and encourage more residents to walk to local destinations.
- Identify missing links in the Borough’s sidewalk network system and prioritize areas for repair and installation to create connections to local destinations.
- Enhance biking opportunities and bike safety in the Borough.
Page 45
Notes the bike rack capacity at the SEPTA train station but low numbers of SEPTA riders arriving by bike (2%) and how this should be improved. But it does not mention SEPTA’s lack of staffing at the train station and the potential of bike theft as a deterrent to use. Maybe in 2018 there were still some open ticket office hours at the station?
Page 47
Includes suggestions for improving visibility of cross-walks and adding establishing designated bike routes in the borough using “sharrows” but states most streets are too narrow to accommodate dedicated bike lanes.
Page 18
Suggesting opportunities for mixed-use development round the North Wales SEPTA station and the business district (generally, on the blocks along Main Street/Sumneytown Pike and Second Street). “Mixed-use” meaning retail on the first ground floor with residential space on other floors.
Pages 24 and 31
Related to connecting North Wales Borough to Upper Gwynedd’s Park Side Place. The photos and details on page 24 show the state of the entrance in 2018, Since then significant improvements have been made to the park entrance coming off Center Street as well as sidewalks added to Center Street where they did not exist, and the installation of the pedestrian crossing light at Center Street and Walnut/North Wales Rd. On page 31 there is a suggestion to add wayfinding signs to promote awareness of the Center Street entrance.
Page 37
For the downtown district – identified as a “Medium Priority”:
- Improve access and safety of pedestrians along Main and Walnut Streets through additional streetscape improvements and traffic calming initiatives.
Page 39
This section on parking talks about limited parking in the Borough and, among other things proposes adding metered parking, but makes no mention of bike racks in the downtown or encouraging biking or walking improvements for incremental alternatives to cars and trucks. Walkability is vaguely mentioned on page 41 and adding bike racks along Main Street is briefly mentioned on page 50, but these would be better to be treated as one unified approach in the report.
Page 47
Mentions a new borough bike-share pilot, but does not specify if it is the bike share operated by The Partnership TMA of Montgomery County or some other program. Later on the same page it talks about funds awarded more than one million dollars to the Borough to improve walkabilty to Norh Wales elementary and what was the St. Rose of Lima Catholic school for “installation of curbing, sidewalks and traffic calming measures.” The section is written like work is ANTICIPATED to start in 2018, so this may be an editing error or info left over from an earlier report.
Page 48
Includes ideas for possible trail connections along PECO powerlines. Some of this is also detailed in the recent draft of the Upper Gwynedd “Comprehensive Recreation and Parks and Open Space Plan.”
Page 49-50
Details performing studies related to traffic and sidewalks to address mostly speeding traffic and walkability. There is also mention of coordinating with SEPTA on bus stops in the borough and “Evaluate need for lighting, seating, or shelters at bus stops along East Walnut Street and Main Street.”
Page 50:
About biking
- Increase safety and convenience of bike ridership by creating new bicycle amenities.
- Using Bike Montco as a guide, adopt a Bike Plan that identifies preferred bike routes through the Borough.
- Identify placement locations for new bike amenities (e.g., bike parking at the train station and along Main Street).
- Coordinate with Upper Gwynedd on bike routes.
- Promote the Borough’s bike share program through advertising and at community events.