Attendees at the BNP May organizational meetings. Others attended virtually via MS Teams
The Bike North Penn monthly organizational meeting was held on Thursday, May 9. Here are links to a PDF of the presentation deck and the meeting recording:
A couple of key points from the meeting:
Bike lane striping of the Upper Gwynedd section of South Broad Street (between Sumneytown Pike and Morris Rd) is tentatively scheduled to happen in May.
- We discussed and are starting to plan a kickoff event to celebrate this important milestone – possibly on the evening of Tuesday, June 18 (pending confirmation with Upper Gwynedd Township). This will likely take place at Garfield Park, and may include a pop-up bike lane on Garfield Ave. as well as group rides on the new bike lanes on South Broad Street.
- The Partnership TMA of Mont Co. is also arranging cameras to be set up on South Broad Street both before and after the installation of the bike lanes. We will post more details on this once we have them, but expect some “get-out-the-riders” activities once the lanes are in.
The Lansdale Active Transportation Plan committee is off and running, having had their first meeting at the end of April
- William Jackson and Dominic Vasturia attended representing Bike North Penn. Jacqui Baxter-Rollins also attended representing The Partnership TMA Montgomery County
- Timing of completion of the plan looks like it will take 18 months
- Input from the BNP membership is encouraged so the group’s ideas can be represented in upcoming meetings.
April was a busy month for Bike North Penn:
- Three community rides:
- Lansdale (Evening Ride)
- Upper Gwynedd (Evening Ride)
- Hatfield (part of Celebrate Trails Day – Afternoon Ride)
- Upper Gwynedd Peace and Unity Day (info booth with The Partnership TMA) promoting South Broad Street Bike Lanes
- Celebration of the new bike fix-it station in Lansdale’s Stony Creek Park – featuring a fix-it demo by Rena Frascella
May is also off to a brisk start:
- Bike Valet at the Lansdale’s May First Friday event
- Community Ride, “Lunch at the top of Lansdale”
Rider Leader Training
- No Updates at this time