Author Archives: williamjackson

My Circuit Trails – Feature Video on Liberty Bell Trail – Lansdale

The Circuit Tails is a collaboration of local trail organizations in Philadelphia and the counties surrounding Philadelphia in both PA and NJ. Their goal is to promote a connected regional approach to tails in this larger region.

They have a video program where trail users from areas of the Circuit Trails region can talk about why they like using a particular tail. Bike North Penn member and Lansdale residentĀ DominicĀ Vasturia was selected to talk about why he likes the Liberty Bell Trail:

Link to the My Circuit Trails videos

Voice your opinions for trails and bike infrastructure!

Here are some opportunities to voice your support for bike trails and bike infrastructure in the North Penn / Montgomery County area. Input from citizens in this surveys are one of the best ways to express concerns and desires to your elected officials:

Towamencin Township Sidewalk + Trail Connectivity Study

  • It is our understanding this is NOT limited Towamencin residents – so we recommend all locals participating un the online survey and the scheduled meetings. Here is the link to the info page on the Towamencin Township web site – with links from there to the online survey and other info:

Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan for 2050

  • This is for the update to the existing 2040 plan. Though it is not specific to transportation, the survey offers the opportunity for Montgomery County residents to comment and prioritize what is important to them – like traffic congestion, outside activities, etc.
  • Here is a link to the general page on the Montgomery County web site:
  • Here is a link to the survey for 2050 Comprehensive Plan:
    Montco 2050 Survey

December Re-Cap

December Monthly Meeting – Dec. 8

Link to December Meeting Agenda Deck

Key Items Discussed:

  • First meeting also made available online via Microsoft Teams
    • Online option was requested by members in earlier meetings
    • Sorry – forgot to record the meeting
    • No one attended via teams – but will continue to promote this as an option
  • Voted on Fiscal Sponsor Selection
  • Discussed LansdaleĀ Public Works Committee December Meeting (Dec. 7)
    • Resurfacing of South Broad Street and addition of bike lanes was discussed
    • In line with Bike More / Drive Less initiative organized by The Partnership TMA Montgomery County
    • About a dozen Bike North Penn members attended (Thank You!)
    • About four BNP members spoke in favor of bike lanes
    • Committee made no final decision, but asked borough management to start discussion with engineer on options and estimates
  • Bike North Penn Mission Statement
    • Deferred to the next meeting
  • Reviewed final details for Holiday Lights ride
    • See below
  • Discussed Possible Ride Events for 2023
    • Goal to have at least one ride event every month
    • Not sure about January and February
    • Need volunteers to step up and as leaders and planners of these events
  • Bike More / Drive Less
    • BNP members asked to survey business owners along South Broad Street on their support for or opposition to bike lanes
    • General request from BNP members to assist with counting cars parked along South Broad Street in Lansdale Borough and in Upper Gwynedd Township
  • Upper Gwynedd Township Update
    • William Jackson attended November meeting and spoke about impending proposal for “Super Wawa” at the corner of Valley Forge Rd. and Sumneytown Pike
      • Proposed bike racks and ebike charges be part of design plan
      • Proposed sidewalk on south side of Sumneytown Pike be extended from intersection to Clearview road to create a safe way for pedestrian and bike traffic to reach the Wawa and the intersection (in line with township master plan)
      • Suggested the township consider re-working the intersection due to increased traffic from the Wawa, and to better enable kids to navigate the intersection of they want to bike/walk to the High School (this would require coordination with other government entities (Towamencin, Montgomery County, PennDOT)
    • Upper Gwynedd has signed the lease with PECO for access to the entire length of the PECO powerline property which cuts to through the Township between Morris Rd. and the 202 Parkway
      • This will enable the township to move forward with planning and requesting funding for the “Powerline Trail
      • Work is proceeding on the section of the UG Powerline trail – which is currently funded – between the North section of Dickerson Rd. and Hancock Street on the east side of Pennbrook Junior High School
    • As stated above, Upper Gwynedd Township has committed to adding bike lanes to South Broad St. between Garfield Rd. and Sumneytown Pike when the road is resurfaced in 2023
      • Bike lanes maybe added later to the section between Garfield Rd. and Morris Rd – there are some engineering issues which fist need to be resolved. This would connect with existing bike lane on Morris Rd., as well as cross the planned route of the UG Power Line Trail.
      • Montgomery County “owns” South Broad Street between Sumneytown Pike and the Lansdale Borough Border, but we think they will add bike lanes to this section with when the road is re-surfaced.


2022 Holiday Lights Bike Ride – Dec. 14

  • Weather cooperated
  • About 23 riders turned out for this event – fabulous!
  • Everyone had a great time
  • No injuries, flats or mechanicals


Lansdale Borough Council Business Meeting – Dec. 21

  • Another opportunity to speak up in favor of bike lanes in the borough as part of the re-surfacing of South Broad Street with about 10 Bike North Penn members in attendance – Awesome!
  • Members of Montgomery County Planning Commission attended the meeting and met with members of Bike North Penn before the meeting to discuss their perspective and suggest a path forward
  • BNP members again participated during public comment period on the the benefits of putting in the bike lanes
  • Montco Planning Commission members also spoke on their ideas
  • Path forward would be a formal bike lane between Borough southern border up to Hancock, and then Sharrows from there to either the Liberty Bell Trail or maybe all the way to the intersection at Main Street. The plan would be to align funding for a more formal bike lane to be added to this section of the road a year or two later.